Saturday, July 14, 2012

Getting started Again (still)

After a month's vacation from writing, besides the travelogue and starting a new blog, I really haven't been doing any writing or work on Flippety. And I really need to get cracking. The travelogue/blog was good. And I do think I will turn it into a book - at least for mom - if not an actual e-book, that is yet to be determined. And the new blog should be a book eventually as well. I did monetize that one, but so far, no one is clicking on the links so far as I can tell. Apparently, I am not allowed to suggest to people that they click the links. Nor am I allowed to click the links myself. Yet the links and the ads are so underwhelming, I will be surprised if anyone at any time clicks on them. So much for monetizing a blog.

I am getting closer to being willing to publish one of my political blogs. Which one is still a question for me. I am thinking that I might start with the one about a world without money. When researching, I found a few websites out there with posts on the same idea - but they wanted to somehow replace money, not do away with the idea of things having value. But more on that in my "world without money" post at some point.

Meanwhile, I did get another post on the brewpubs blog out. And two more are almost ready. Those were easy ones since they were visited long ago and need a revisit before I can actually evaluate them. (Ok, got these up - I hope to do at least one more this weekend).

Back to Flippety - I really need to make a list of the things I want to do, so that I can do them. I hate it sitting around at 80% complete and not getting that last 20% accomplished. It isn't doing me any good just sitting on my phone. And I am not getting any younger...

It seems like I write a lot everyday - and say nothing. Yay.

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