Wednesday, November 16, 2011

First Post about Writing

I am not a great writer. I am a good writer. At least I like to tell myself that. So, that being said, this is a blog about my writing. What I have written, what I am working on, that sort of thing. I plan on putting snippets that I have written on here. Maybe even whole sections of work. And I will be asking for feedback. Not that I expect to get any, but one never knows, does one?

I tend to write non-fiction. I do this for several reasons. First off, fiction is hard! Second, most fiction has a lot of dialogue, with which I am not comfortable. Mainly because it takes such effort to type. All of that punctuation! Eeeek! Second, non-fiction seems to flow more easily from my brain and fingers.

For those of you who don't know, I have written and self-published two books: Bar Dreams and Diary of a Plate Addict. Both are available on Amazon and at my own website - I am sure I will write more about those as time goes by.

So, my project for today is to find the projects I have started and put them all in one place. Then to open each of them and see just where I am with them. The projects I can think of are: my relationship book, a self-help book, a fantasy story and a romance. Sigh. There are probably a few others. Anyway, if anyone has any thoughts on what I ought to focus on, please send them my way!