Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Fear of Experimentation

For some reason I have a fear of experimentation where my computer program is concerned. That is slightly irrational since I know that I can just undo the stuff I add fairly easily. Weird. This is one place that the fear of failure ought to be negligible.

What is giving me pause is the whole persistence thing. Saving things and then reloading them. So, I decided to take the plunge. I am using Big Nerd Ranch's IOS Programming Book (3rd Edition) and Beginning iOS 5 Development and morphing their examples into my application. It seemed like a pretty daunting task, to tell the truth. I have taken a few steps forward and a step or two back. It seems like it will eventually work. Maybe. Yay! Fear is the mindkiller!

A friend sent me an article yesterday about a guy who went from his deathbed to rich by selling apps. I think he has 40 of them. I don't know what they are or what they do, all I know is that the article depressed me, though I am sure that wasn't her intent. I think it was meant to be inspirational. Unfortunately, it didn't show me that all things are possible, it showed me that again, quantity and marketing are both more important than quality. And that luck is also important. As another friend pointed out, it was mainly an anecdote, and not a roadmap to success.

Ok, so I backed out of all the work I did and am going to work on something else for the time being. It is just going to take time and experimentation for me to get my head around it and get it all working. I think 10 years will be long enough...Wish me luck!

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